首页 > 高中 > 2020学年高一英语寒假作业


时间:2020-08-27 23:00:54
33. The phone call ________him hurrying to Paris.

  A. made B. let C. caused D. sent

  34. Matter is the name ________to everything that has weight and takes up space.

  A. giving B. to give C. having been given D. given

  35. He felt his arm ________.

  A. pulling B. pulled C. being pulled D. to be pulled

  36. The textbook can be used in ________countries.

  A. speaking English B. English spoken C. spoken English D. English speaking

  37. ________the office, he found nobody in it.

  A. Entering B. Entered C. Having entering D. To enter

  38. When ________into the classroom, the ice soon changed into water.

  A. it took B. it taken C. taking D. taken

  39. ________ there for several times, he offered to act as a guide.

  A. Being B. Was C. Has been D. Having been

  40. ________to look ________she closed her eyes.

  A. Pretending; frightening B. Pretending; frightened

  C. Pretended; frightening D. Pretended; frightened

  41. The ________day, ________to see them again, he shut himself in his room.

  A. followed; wanting not B. followed; not wanting

  C. following; wanting not D. following; not wanting

  42. ________the work, he didn’t notice that it was getting dark.

  A. Absorbed by B. Absorbed in C. Absorbing D. Absorbing in

  43. People always shake hands when ________each other.

  A. introducing to B. introduced to C. introducing with D. introduced with

  44. A cold rain was ________, ________with snow.

  A. fallen; missing B. fallen; mixed C. falling; mixing D. falling; mixed

  45. ________many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.

  A. Having been told B. Told C. He was told D. Though he had been told

  46. ________, the letter was posted.

  A. Wrote it B. Having written C. Writing D. Having been written

  47. ________him before, I didn’t recognize him.

  A. Not seeing B. Having not seen C. Never having seen D. Having never seen

  48. Once ________, it will never be forgotten.

  A. see B. seen C. you see D. to be seen

  49. He will not come unless________.

  A. invited B. inviting C. isn’t invited D. he will be invited

  50. She walked as fast as she could, ________to catch the 9:30 train.

  A. to hope B. hoping C. she hoped D. for hoping

  51. I wrote to Jim, ________him for help.

  A. thanked B. to thank C. thanking D. and thanking

  52. He was caught in the rain, thus ________himself catch cold.

  A. make B. making C. made D. having make

  53. ________how to get to the airport, he asked me the way.

  A. Having lost his way and having not known B. Having been lost his way and not knowing

  C. Having lost his way and not knowing D. Losing his way and doing now know.

  54. ________no buses, we have to walk home.

  A. There being B. It were C. There were D. It being

  55. She went on explaining to me, ________my face.

  A. never left B. her eyes never left C. her eyes never leaving D. never leaving

  56. He walked rapidly, his head ________, ________neither to the right or the left.

  A. bent; looked B. bent; looking C. bending; looked D. bending; looking

  57. The dirty clothes ________, the girl hung them up outside.

  A. was washed B. washed C. were washed D. having washed

  58. ________, the meeting began.

  A. Having taken their seats B. Having taken their places

  C. The students having taken their seats D. The students took their places.

  59. The boy hid himself under the bed, with this feet ________out.

  A. were stuck B. were sticking C. sticking d. stick

  60. Strictly ________, he is not fit for the job.

  A. speaking B. spoken C. to speak D. to be spoken



