首页 > 高中 > 2020学年高一寒假英语语法情态动词专项练习题


时间:2020-09-01 21:42:56
30. — Would you mind my changing the plan?

  — ________.

  A. Oh, no, please B. Yes, I mind not C. No, I would D. Yes, I will

  31. — It ________ be Jack who is in the library.

  — I’m sure it ________be him, I saw him off at the railway station just two days ago.

  A. can’t; can’t e B. must; mustn’t C. must; can’t D. can’t; mustn’t

  32. I ________tell her the truth about his marriage.

  A. can’t help B. can’t but C. may not help D. mustn’t but

  33. Since she is angry, we ________.

  A. had better to leave her along B. should leave her alone

  C. would rather to leave her alone D. must leave her alone

  34. Look! What you’ve done to me. You ________more careful.

  A. maybe B. had to C. should have been D. would be

  35. ________read the letter for you?

  A. Would you like me B. Do you want me C. Will you mind me D. Shall I

  36. He promised he ________not make such silly mistakes.

  A. would B. should C. might D. could

  37. ________it be true that his father will go abroad?

  A. Can B. May C. Need D. Should

  38. Those streams are so small that they ________be shown in the maps.

  A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. may

  39. — May I use your bike?

  — ________.

  A. No, you may not B. No, you mustn’t C. No, you won’t D. Sorry, I’m afraid not

  40. — Must I write to her?

  — No, you ________.

  A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. don’t have to

  41. — Need I start tonight?

  — Yes, you ________.

  A. do B. need C. must D. may

  42. The old man ________sit for hours watching the ships.

  A. would B. should C. was used to D. would rather to

  43. If the telephone ________ring, please wake me up.

  A. would B. should C. will D. might

  44. I wish they ________stop making remarks about me.

  A. would B. will C. should D. shall

  45. You’re thirsty, aren’t you? ________he get some coffee?

  A. Does B. Shall C. Would D. Let

  46. Which of the following is wrong?

  A. That may be true. B. That might be true. C. That can be true. D. That could be true.

  47. — Would you lend me some money?

  — Yes, I ________.

  A. would B. will C. can D. may

  48. He ________ swimming when he was young.

  A. was used to go B. got used to go C. used to going D. used to go

  49. You say you ________ not do it, but I say you ________do it.

  A. will; shall B. shall; shall C. shall; will D. will; will

  50. You ________out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught cold.

  A. should have gone B. shouldn’t have gone C. could not have gone D. might have gone

  51. He ________the 8:30 train because he didn’t leave home until 9:00.

  A. can’t catch B. couldn’t catch C. may not D. can’t have caught

  52. You ________us this because we had more than enough.

  A. needn’t bring B. needn’t have brought C. mustn’t bring D. couldn’t have brought

  53. — He learnt the language in three months.

  — He ________very hard.

  A. must work B. might have worked C. must have worked D. might work

  54. — Who told you my telephone number?

  — I don’t remember. It ________Mary.

  — It can’t be Mary, she doesn’t know it.

  A. may have been B. can have been C. must be D. can be

  55. You ________him, why didn’t you?

  A. ought to thank B. ought have thanked C. ought to have thanked D. ought thank

  56. I ________have arrived a little earlier, but my car broke down.

  A. should B. could C. can D. can’t

  57. — ________we go out for a walk?

  — Great. Let’s go

  A. Shall B. Will C. May D. Should

  58. Though she was seriously ill, she ________ complete the work in time.

  A. would B. was able to C. was possible to D. might

  59. — Would you like to play chess with me?

  — Yes, ________.

  A. I’d B. I would C. I’d like D. I’d like to

  60. Tom is late. He ________the wrong bus.

  A. must take B. must have taken C. might take D. could take



