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live on和live in的区别

时间:2020-09-29 23:21:28

  live in表示住在…,其后面跟表示地点的名词。住在学习工作的地方;住在(某地)。live on表示继续活着;继续存在;住在……上;以……为食。例:They bought an old schoolhouse to live in and built a workshop in the basement.


  live and breathe sth热衷于(某事)

  live and let live (saying)自己活也让别人活;宽以待人;互相宽容

  live by your wits靠耍小聪明赚钱;(有时)靠玩花招捞钱

  live (from) hand to mouth仅够糊口度日

  live in the past仿佛生活在过去的社会中;落伍

  live in sin(old-fashioned or humorous)未婚同居;姘居

  live it up(informal)尽情欢乐;狂欢;纵情挥霍享乐

  live a lie过两面人的生活;过骗人的生活;为人虚伪

  live off the fat of the land过奢侈的生活;锦衣玉食

  live off the land靠地里的东西为生

  live to fight another day(saying)(虽已失败或经历很糟但仍要)改日再战,卷土重来

  you havent lived(表示若没有某种经历生活便不完整)你白活了

  Youve never been to New York? You havent lived!你从未去过纽约?你真是白活了!

  you live and learn(对得知的事物感到惊讶或意外)真是得活到老学到老,真想不到

  be (living) on borrowed time活过寿限;大限已近;做很快就会遭到制止的事

  be/live in clover(informal)过舒适优裕的生活

  how the other half lives另一类人的生活方式(尤指比自己富有得多的)

  long live sb/sth……万岁;……万古常青

  people (who live) in glass houses shouldnt throw stones(saying)身居玻璃房,投石招祸殃;自身毛病多,勿挑他人错


