首页 > 小学 > 小学英语四年级期末考试试题


时间:2020-07-23 00:06:43




  一、 根据汉意写出下列单词 (15分)

  写字板-- 电脑-- 讲桌-- 灯--

  图画-- 电扇-- 地板-- 墙--

  二、 选择正确答案(15分)

  ( )1.Is this the washroom? ______________

  A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is. C.No, it isnt.

  ( )2. The library is on the ______ floor.

  A.one B.two C.second

  ( )3.Lets go and _______

  A.have look B.have a look C.look at

  ( )4. Do you have lunch ____ school?

  A.in B.at C.on

  ( )5. How many ______ are there in your school?

  A.student B.students C.studentes

  ( )6._____ way, please.

  A. This B.That C. This is

  ( )7.Welcome _____ our school!

  A.on B.in C.to

  ( )8.We draw pictures in the _____

  A.music room B.art room C.canteen

  ( )9.We can read books in the ______.

  A.library B.TV room C.gym

  ( )10.This is my desk. That is ______ desk.

  A.your B.you C.I


  ( )1.Go to the teachers office. A.Water the flowers.

  ( )2. Go to the canteen. B. Eat some noodles.

  ( )3. Go to the library. C.Play football.

  ( )4. Go to the playground. D.Read a story-book.

  ( )5. Go to the garden. E.Hand in the homework.


  ( )1.Where is the gym? A.Oh. Itsbeautiful.

  ( )2.Is this the playground? B.Yes, I do.

  ( )3.Do you have a library? C.Its on the first floor.

  ( )4.How many desks are there in your classroom? D.No, it isnt.

  ( )5.Look! This is our garden. E.There are forty-four.



  1.every (所有事情) 2. work (家务) 3. work(家庭作业) 4. day (今天) 5. day(星期日)


  6.cool 7.cold 8.cloudy 9.yes 10.this


  11.will not= 12.do not= 13.what is= 14.it is = 15.I will =



  1.tall 2.old 3.short 4.young 5.strong

  6.long 7.high 8.big 9.small 10.thin


  1.起立 2.长江

  3.黄河 4.长城

  5.泰山 6.Mount Qomolangma

  7.the Summer Palace 8.their big ,blue eyes

  9.the very same size 10.Polly`s hair


  ( )1.An elephant is than a lion . A .big B .bigger C .biger

  ( )2.I am . Xiaoyong is than me . A .tall tall B .taller tall C .tall taller

  ( )3.Lingling is thinner Xiaoyong. A .than B.and C .then

  ( )4.Zhangmin`s father is than his mother . A .younger B .youngger C .young

  ( )5.You shorter than her . A .am B .is C .are

  ( )6.The black dog is _____ than the white dog. A . thin B .thiner C .thinner

  ( )7.John is _____ than Mike. A . strongger B .stronger C .strong

  ( )8.Tom is 120 cm. Jack is _____than him. A. tall B. taller C. heavier

  ( )9.Is the Great Wall than the Summer Palace? A. old B. older C. taller

  ( )10.The monkey has a __________ tail. A. tall B. long C. longer


  young tall big thin long old

  1.Monkeys tail is than the rabbits(兔子)tail.

  2.Dick is 11 years old. Nina is 12 years old. . Dick is than Nina.

  3.Im 140 cm .

  4.My eyes are _______ than her .

  5.How are you? Im 15 years old .


  1.Your, is, big, room _________________________________________

  2.Im, than, taller, you __________________________________________

  3.longer, yours, is, than ,My pencil, _____________________________________

  4.Mount Tai ,higher ,is , Mount Qomolangma ,than

  5.younger ,Is, than, Yes,your sister , she , you ,? , is _______________________________


  Molly and Polly are sisiters .Polly is 13 years old and Molly is 7 . Polly is taller than Molly .Polly`s hair is long and black . Molly`s hair is shorter .Polly`s legs are longer .Molly is fatter than Polly. Their blue and big eyes are the very same size .

  ( )1.Molly is younger than Polly .

  ( )2.Molly is shorter than Polly .

  ( )3.Molly`s hair is longer .

  ( )4.Polly`s legs are shorter than Molly`s.

  ( )5.Their eyes are the same size .


