首页 > 小学 > 小学六年级下册英语期中试卷三套


时间:2020-09-01 21:53:15

  同学们,又到期中了,你学得怎么样?让我们来一次小测试吧!好好努力,相信你一定能取得自己满意的成绩!现在就开始吧,相信你一定能行!准备了以下内容,供大家参考。 篇一



     1.A . people B. party C. pretty

  2.A. forward B. flour C. four

  3.A.pink B. pop C. pizza

  4.A.blue B. black C. brown

  5.A.summer B. spring C. sun


     1.A.My birthday is on April fourth. B. Today is Tuesday.

  2.A.Yes,go down the street and turn right. B. Yes, you are right.

  3.A.About five hundred kilometers. B. I'd like some eggs.

  4.A.Yes, I do. B. I'd like some eggs.

  5.A.There are two. B. Thirty-five yuan.


     1.Mike is

  A.Japanese B. English C. Chinese

  2.Mike's father and mother are

  A. four B. twelve C. fourteen

  3.Mike's sister is

  A. student and teacher . B. policeman and student C. all teachers

  4.How many brothers does Mike have?

  A. Three. B. Two. C. One.



     ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


     ( )1. is the trip? It's eleven hours to Tianjin.

  A.How long B. How often C. How much D. How many

  ( )2. Do you usually walk to school? No, I walk there.

  It's far from my house.

  A.always B. often C. never D. sometimes

  ( )3. do you play basketball?------Once a week.

  A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many

  ( )4. are these shoes?-------Fifty dollars.

  A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many

  ( )5.Christmas is coming.------Yes. Let's ready for it.

  A. think B. make C. pack D. get


     1.Do you have new .(跑鞋)

  2.Mike and his brother (总是) get up at six thirty on weekdays.

  3.All (婴儿) here are very healthy.

  4. (每个人) here can do it.

  5.They each (买) some cards for their teachers.

  四、连词组句。(1 5分)

     1.I, to, school, Monday. Friday, go, to, from

  2.I, an, live, apartment. in

  3.I, jacket, winter, on, put, in, my


     A. What a hot ,sunny day!

  B.Yes, it is.

  A.Let's go swimming in the river.

  B.That's great. It is bright outside.

  A. Thanks. ,orange or water?

  B. Water, please.


  B.Thank you.


  一. 把下列英语句子译成汉语:

     1. My dad’s a cleaner at the zoo.

  2. Her father goes by bicycle.

  3. She works in a car factory.

  4. Tom designs cars.

  5. She often helps tourists find their way.


  1.in, factory, a, who, car, works;

  2.takes, school, me, he, to;

  3.Mike, my, that, is, uncle;

  4.be, you, what, going, are, to;

  5.beautiful, is, really, she;


  Jack: does your mother do?

  Lily:She is accountant.

  Jack: does she work?

  Lily:She in a car company.

  Jack: does she go to work?

  Lily:She goes to work bus.


  can, lessons, actress, tourist, zoo, designs, takes, hard, uncle, motor.

  1.She cars.

  2.If you like drawing and math,you be an engineer.

  3.She often helps find their way.

  4.She goes to work by bike.

  5.I teach .

  6.They work every day for us.

  8.This is my .

  9.He me to school.

  10.She’s an on TV.


  1.My brother is a reporter.(对划线部分提问)

  does your brother ?

  2.He works in a car company. (对划线部分提问)

  does he ?

  3.I often go to school by subway(对划线部分提问).

  you often go to school?

  4.He is Xiao Ming’s father. (对划线部分提问)

  is ?

  5.My mother teaches English. (对划线部分提问)

  does your mother ?


  ( )1.John:What does your uncle do?

  Chen Jie: .

  A.He’s an engineer. B.He goes to work by bike.

  C.He likes reading newspapers. D.Yes,he does.

  ( )2.Sarah:Where does your father work?

  Tom: .

  A. He likes watching TV. B.He’s a teacher.

  B. He is a worker. D.He works in a hospital.

  ( )3.Amy:What does your aunt do?

  Sam: .

  A. She likes collecting stamps. B.She’s an actress on TV.

  C.She is cleaning the room. C.She goes to work by bike.

  ( )4.Tom:Do you like English?

  Jim: .

  A.Yes,I am. B.No,I’m not.

  C.No,I do. D.Yes,I do.

  ( )5.Kate:Does Alice like swimming?

  John: .

  A. Yes,I do. B.No,I don’t.

  B. Yes,she does. D.No,she does.


  1.What does Amy’s father/(a policeman)

  2.Where does your aunt work?(a school)

  3.How does he go to work?(by car)

  4.Is Wang Ping a driver?(yes)

  5.What does she like?(draw picture)


  ( )1.What does your father do?

  ( )2.What does your mother do?

  ( )3.What does your aunt do?

  ( )4.How does Amy’s mother go to work?

  ( )5.Does she go to work by bus?

  ( )6.Is he going to play table tennis next week?

  ( )7.Are you going to swim this afternoon?

  ( )8.How does Sam go to school?

  ( )9.What’s your hobby?

  ( )10.Do you like drawing pictures?

  A.Yes,I am.

  B.She goes to work by bike.

  C.He’s an accountant.

  D.Yes,she does.

  E.I like playing the violin.

  F.She’s an English teacher.

  G.My aunt is a doctor.

  H.No,he isn’t.

  I.She goes to school on foot.

  .J.No,I don’t. I like watching TV.


     1.I sing songs. I am a .

  2.I drive bus. I am a .

  3.I write stories. I am a .

  4.I dance. I am a .

  5.I clean streets. I am a .



     一、听句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出所包含的信息,并将字母标号填写在题前括号内. ( 10 分 )

  ( )1.A short B stronger C heavier D smaller

  ( )2.A have a fever B have a cold C have a sore throat D have a headache

  ( )3.A tired B excited C angry D happy

  ( )4.A watch B wash C visit D clean

  ( )5.A fail B match C matter D seal

  二、下面你将听到5个问句,请从打乱顺序的答句当中,将能回答每个问句的答句字母标号添入题前括号内. ( 10 分 )

  ( )1. A. I’ m 164cm tall.

  ( )2. B. I feel tired.

  ( )3. C. I’m 45kg.

  ( )4. D. I like the yellow one.

  ( )5. E. My nose hurts.

  三、 听短文判断句子正误,与录音内容一致的在括号内写“T”,不一致得写“F”。( 10 分 )

  ( ) 1.Jack was going shopping with her mother on Saturday.

  ( ) 2.Jack didn’t go out on Saturday.

  ( ) 3.At John’s home , they read books together.

  ( ) 4.Jack and John played football together.

  ( ) 5.Jack’s mother was angry because(因为)he forgot to lock the door .



     一)、根据汉语意思写单词或词组。( 5 分 )

  1.发烧 2.悲伤的 3.更重的 4.更强壮的 5.兴奋的

     ———— ———— ———— ———— ————


  ( )、1. A tired B excited C angry D hurt

  ( )、2. A watched B washed C cleaned D visit

  ( )、3. A bigger B younger C shorter D heavy

  ( )、4. A think B feel C kick D medicine

  ( )、5.A hurt B have a cold C have a fever D bored

  二、单项选择 ( 10 分)

     ( ) 1.______ monkey do you like ? I like the yellow one.

  A Which B What C What’s D Where

  ( ) 2.______ tall is your mother ? She is 164cm tall.

  A How B What C How many D When

  ( ) 3.How _____ are you ? I’m 65kg.

  A tall B big C heavy D long

  ( ) 4.I failed my math test . ______ .

  A Oh,sorry B I’m sorry to hear that C Don’t worry

  ( ) 5.You ______ sad today .

  A look B watch C see D look at

  ( ) 6.______ the matter ? I have a fever .

  A What’s B What’re C What D How’s

  ( ) 7.You are 164cm , I’m 160cm , you are 4cm _____ than me.

  A big B bigger C tall D taller

  ( ) 8.I went to a park ______ bike .

  A on B by C in D table

  ( ) 9.He jumped into the lake and ______ to it .

  A swim B swims C swimed D swam

  ( ) 10.What did you do _______ weekend ?

     A last B next C on D at

  三、选择正确答案 ( 10 分 )

  ( ) 1. Do you have a fever ? A She is sad .

  ( ) 2. How are you ? B Yes , I have .

  ( ) 3. What’s the matter ? C I’m fine , thanks .

  ( ) 4. How does Amy feel ? D Yes , she is tired.

  ( ) 5. Is she tired now ? E I have a headache.

  四、 题中5个句子分别描述了一幅图画,请将图片的字母标号填写在相应句子前面的括号内。( 10 分 )

  A B C D E

  ( ) 1. I am sad . ( ) 2. I’m taller than you .

  ( ) 3. I have a headache . ( ) 4.Playing the football .

  ( ) 5. Wash clothes .

  五、 看图完成对话 ( 10 分 )

  1. A : How does Zhang Peng feel ?

  B : He _____ ______ ______ .

  2. A : How ______ are you ?

  B : I’m 50kg .

  3. John’s team fails at last .

  John feels ______ .

  4. John is going to play football with

  his friend . He is ______ .

  5. What did you do last Saturday ?

  I _______ ______ _______ .

  六、排序 ( 10 分 )

  ( ) I like the yellow one .

  ( ) Which monkey do you like .

  ( ) What about you ?

  ( ) I like the brown one.

  ( ) I don’t like the yellow one .


