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时间:2020-08-25 23:22:02



1.end up with 以……告终;以……结束

  The party ended up with an English song. 聚会以一首英文歌结束。

  2.more or less 几乎;差不多;大约;大概;大体上

  (1) I've more or less succeeded, but they haven't.


  (2) Our living condition has more or less improved.


  3.bring in 引进;引来;吸收

  (1) We should bring in new technology.


  (2) He brings in 800 dollars a month.


  4.get away(from) 逃离

  (1)The thieves got away from the shop with all our money.


  (2)I caught a really big fish but it got away.


  5.watch out (for)注意;留心

  (1)Watch out! There is a car coming. 小心!汽车来了。

  (2)Watch out for the hole in the road. 留神路上的那个坑。


  (1) take off

  ① (飞机)起飞 A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up or down.

  ② 脱下(衣裳等);取下 He took off his wet shoes.

  Who took the knob off the door?

  ③ 休假;请假;歇工 When his wife was sick he took off from work.

  ④ (指观念、产品) 大受欢迎;(事业)突然发达,成功The new type of cell phones has really taken off.

  His business began to take off when he was in his forties.

  (2) take down

  ① 拿下来;取下来 He reached up to the third shelf of the bookcase and took down a dictionary.

  ② 记下来 He read out the names and his secretary took them down.

  (3) take in

  ① 接受 (房客,客人等);收留 The farmers took in the lost travelers for the night.

  ② 理解;领会;明白 The boys could not take in his meaning.

  ③包括;涉及 The study of physics takes in many different subjects.

  ④使上当;欺骗We were completely taken in by her story.

  (4) take on

  ① 接受;从事(某工作) After his father died, Bill took on the management of the factory.

  ② 雇用Is the supermarket taking on any more assis- tant?

  ③ 具有(新面貌、意思等) The city has taken on a new look.

  (5) take up

  ① 从事某项活动;发展某种爱好 So many young men want to take up writing.

  ② 开始做(某项工作);开始学习(某个课程) Then she took up the task of getting the breakfast.

  He dropped medicine and took up physics.

  ③ 占去 (时间或空间) The meeting took up the whole morning.

  The table takes up too much room.

  ④ 接受

  I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town.


