首页 > 小学 > 小学四年级下册英语期末考试题


时间:2020-07-23 00:30:10



  一. 选择。(30)

  ( )1.They are ______ a boat. A. row B. rowing C. rows

  ( ) 2. ____ are you,Sam? Im behind the tree.

  A. Where B .What C. How

  ( ) 3.What_____ you doing? A. am B. is C. are

  ( ) 4. My little sister is playing_____ her doll. A. with

  B. to C.at

  ( )5.Do you ____ some rice?

  A.want B what C wanting

  ( )6.What ____ the elephent doing ?

  A.are B. is C .am

  ( )7 .How ___ is it? Ten yuan.

  A.much B. many C .old

  ( ) 8.____ we help you ? A. Is B .Can C. Do

  ( ) 9.Can you run ___ ? A. far B .high C. fast

  ( )10.Can you jump___? A. play B .high C. fast

  ( )11.Can you ride fast ? A. Yes,I can. B .Yes, I cant C. No. I can.

  ( )12.Can Sam ____ football? A. playing B .doing C. play

  ( )13. This is my sister Amy. ____is taking pictures.

  A. She B .He C. They

  ( )14.Its ____ the hill. (上山) A. on B .in C. up

  ( ) 15. What are they doing? Theyre ______ football.

  A. play B. playing C. plays

  二. 选择合适的答语。(15)

  ( )1. Where is the train? A. Yes ,please.

  ( ) 2. Whats Lingling doing ? B. Ten yuan.

  ( ) 3. Do you want some rice ? C.Its up the hill.

  ( )4. How much is it ? D. Sherunning.

  ( ) 5.Can you run fast? E. No, I cant.



  1. play----- 2. sing---- 3.draw---

  4. run-- 5.swim--- 6.jump---

  7. watch-- 8. listen--- 9. talk

  10. read---


  1. you some Do want noodles (?)


  2. is How it much (?)


  3. you jump Can high (?)


  4. making Im dumpings.


  5.What doing they are (?)



  am is are

  Whats the elephant doing? It______drawing pictures.

  1. What are you doing ? I _______listening to music.

  2. What are they doing ? They________running.

  3. What_______he doing ?

  He______reading a booking about China.



  第二部分 写

  一. 写出紧邻着下列字母的大小写形式。(5分)

  1.Cc Ee 2.Ff Hh 3.Ii Kk

  4.Ll Nn 5. Yy Zz

  二. 根据汉语意思,写出英语单词并将其写在四线三格中。(5分)

  6. I love (冬天)。

  7. Its (凉爽的)。

  8 .I can go (滑冰)


  9.Are you (饥饿的)?

  10.I like (西红柿)。

  三. 根据问句,从方框中的ABCD四个答句中,先选出合适的答语,然后正确抄写在四线三格内。(10分)

  ( )11.What day is it today?

  ( ) 12. Why do you like summer?

  ( ) 13.Whats this ?

  ( ) 14Can you play?

  ( ) 15. May I come in?

  三部分 单项选择

  一. 选出下面每组中不属于同类的单词(10分)

  ( )1. A. house B. window C. tomato

  ( )2.A.potato B.noodles C. tea

  ( )3. A. bike B.bee C. jeep

  ( )4.A. face B. egg C. ear

  ( )5.A. chicken B. fish C. fruit


  ( )6 .当你想表达现在是什么季节,应说:

  A. Whats your favourite season?

  B. What season is it now?.

  ( )7. 对同学说见到你很高兴,应说:

  A. Nice to meet you!

  B. Nice to meet you,too.

  ( ) 8.老师问今天谁值日?应问:

  A. Whos on duty today?

  B Whos in duty today?

  ( ) 9.当别人问秋天的天气怎么样,应回答:

  A. Its hot.

  B. Its cool.

  ( ) 10. 当你想表达该我了,应说:

  A .Its my turn.

  B. Your turn, please.

  三. 从AB两个答案中选出一个可以填入横线,意思正确的答案。(10分)

  ( )11.What _____ is it? Its 7 oclock.

  A. time B. day

  ( )12.Its time _____ to school.

  A. go B. to go

  ( )13.Because I can ______moon cakes.

  A.eating B.eat

  ( )14._____ you hungry ?

  A.Do B. Are

  ( )15._____ is the weather, Tom?

  A. How B. What

  ( )16.I like ______ a kite.

  A.flying B.flyw W w .x K b 1.c o M

  ( )17.I like _____.

  A. soups B. soup

  ( )18. ______me.

  A. Not B. No

  ( )19.Whats______favorite season?

  A. you B.your

  ( )20、What_____ is it today? Its Tuesday.

  A. date B. day

  四部分 配对

  一. 将B栏中的英语单词与A栏中英语单词意思相反的那一个配对,字母代号写在番号内.(10分)

  A栏 B栏

  ( )(1)open A. old

  ( )(2)cold B . close

  ( )(3)new C. hot

  ( )(4) here D. short

  ( )(5)tall E. there


  1( )Canada A.秋天 6 ( ) wall F 时间

  2( )spring B. 加拿大 7 ( ) door G 墙

  3( )candy C. 春天 8 ( ) new H 门

  4( )meal D 糖果 9 ( ) dinner I 新的

  5( )autumn E 膳食 10 ( ) time J 正餐



