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高一英语知识点必修五:Great women

时间:2020-09-09 22:49:07

  进入到高一阶段,大家的学习压力都是呈直线上升的,因此平时的积累也显得尤为重要,小编为大家整理了《高一英语知识点必修五:Great women》希望大家能谨记呦!!


  1.inspire vt.鼓舞;激励;启示eg:

  I was inspired to work harder than ever before. 我受激励后比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作。

  相关链接:inspired adj.受鼓舞的;有灵感的 inspiring adj.激发灵感的;鼓舞人心的inspiration n.灵感用法拓展:inspire sth.in sb.(一inspire sb.with sth.)使某人产生某种感情;激发某人的某种感情 inspire sth.into sb.把某种思想灌输给某人

  案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三

  考题1 (典型例题)Greatly , the students made up their minds to work harder at English.

  A. inspiring B. inspired C. having-inspired D. to inspire


  2.mesh adj.卑鄙的;吝啬的eg:He is very mean with money.他对钱非常吝啬。

  That was a mean trick!那是卑鄙的伎俩!

  相关链接:mean v.意思是,意味着;意欲,打算eg:

  The new order will mean working ov’ertime.新订单意味着加班加点。

  l didn't mean to hurt you.我并不想伤害你。

  means n.方式,方法meaning n.意义,意思,含义

  meaningful adj.有目的的;有意义的用法拓展:mean sth./doing sth.意味着某事/做某事

  mean to do打算做某事be meant to必须;得要

  考题2 (典型例题)I _ you earlier but I had no time.

  A. had meant to see B; meant to see C. had meant seeing D. meant seeing

  考题2点拨:答案为A。首先应是mean to do句式表示打算/意欲做某事,所以排除c、D项,再者表示“本来打算早一些去看你”,所以用过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的想法。

  3.regret n.遗憾;后悔;抱歉yr.为……感到遗憾;后悔eg:I regret spending so much money on a car.我后悔在一辆小汽车上花了这么多钱。

  I regret to say I cannot come.很抱歉,我不能来了。

  He told me with regret that he COt/ld not come to the party. 他很抱歉地对我说他不能来参加这个聚会了。. 一

  用法拓展:regret doing对做过的事遗憾、后悔(已做)

  regret to do对要做的事遗憾(未做) have no regrets没有遗憾

  I regret(to say)that…我很遗憾……;很抱歉……

  It is to be regretted that…使人遗憾的是……;真可惜……

  考题3 (典型例题 分)--You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

  --Well, now I regret that.

  A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done

  考题3点拨:答案为D。regret doing sth.表示“对做过的事情遗憾、后悔”,regret to do表示“对要做的事遗憾”,根据“你在会议上提出反对意见真是太勇敢了”,说明已做过,所以选D。

  4.promise n.有……的征兆/可能eg:

  He promised me a quick answer.他答应我从速答复。

  made a promise that if anyone set me free,I Would make him very rich.我许下诺言,如果谁把我释放了,我会使他很富有。

  The dark clouds promise a henvy rain.乌云是下大雨的征兆。

  用法拓展:keep/hold one's promise遵守诺言 break one's promise违背诺言 give/make a promise许诺promise sb.sth.答应某人某事 promise(sb.)to do sth.答应(某人)做某事promise(sb.)that从句

  考题4(典型例题The heavy snow a harvest new year.

  A. advises B. suggests C. promises D. permits

  考题4点拨:答案为C。advise建议; suggest建议,表明;promise在此句中表示“有……的征兆/可能”,permit许可。句意为:“瑞雪兆丰年。”

  5.value vt.重视;估价;评价n.价值;价格eg:

  How do you value him as a writer?你如何评价他作为一个作家?

  I value your frlendship very highly.我非常珍惜你的友谊。

  we must reaIize the vaIue of the boo k.我们必须意识到这本书的价值。

  用法拓展:good value for money[口](钱)花得值,值得买of no value没有价值的

  put/set little value on/upon对……评价不高;不怎么重视

  put/set much/a high value on/upon对……给予高度评价

  value oneself on/upon以……自豪;以…夸耀’自己

  we never know the value of water tIll the we’lIis dry.[谚]井干方知水可贵。

  考题5 ( 典型例题 分 ) You'll find this book of great in help-ing you to go over your lessons.

  A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness

  考题5点拨:答案为c。of great valHe很有价值。句意为:“你将发现这本书在帮你复习功课方面很有价值。”


  1. The big success i_____ us greatly.

  2. She is o_____ about her chances of winning a gold medal.

  3. In some parts if the world there is an extreme c____, and it is very hot in summer and very cold in winter.

  4. They are known to set a high v____ on good presentation skills.

  5. They t___ to kill him unless he did as they asked.

  6. “All work and no play makes Jack a d____ boy.” means that someone who works all of the time will become boring and uninteresting.

  7. They could make life very m____ for us if we refuse to cooperate with them.

  8. Oprah’s life shows us that hard work and d____ are road to self-improvement.

  9. I’ve been s____ to understand this article all morning.

  10. It is most g____ of you to lend me the money.

  II. Fill in the blanks

  1. That house is ____. There is nothing in it now.

  2. Your uncle is not ___ about this money. He is very ____ to buy you that expensive car for your birthday.

  3. The new employee was ____ and quick to learn.

  4. He was so ___ the night before his examination that they can’t sleep.

  5. That woman is ____ and she is busy all day long.

  6. The poor boy can’t see anything because he is ____.

  7. He is so ____ that he can move such a heavy stone easily.

  8. In the past, the Chinese people lived a ____ life.

  9. The whole nation are ____(庆祝) Beijing’s success in bidding 2008 Olympic Games.

  10. Black is the _____(相反的) of white.

  11. He received a letter of ____(挑战) saying that his record would be broken in three days.

  12. The robber ____(威胁) to kill one employee in the bank if the police wouldn’t let him leave.

  13. The ____(斜度) of the roof is big in order to agree with the rainy weather in the south.

  14. The rain is becoming bigger and bigger and we had better go to a ____(躲避处) from the rain.

  15. Though we met with so many difficulties, we still kept ____(乐观的) so as to overcome them and succeed.

  16. He is thankful to his wife because she was a constant _____(鼓舞,激励) to him in his work.

  17. It was _____(大度) of them to share their house with those who had difficulties.

  18. Our Party highly ___(诊视) the wisdom of the people.

  III. Exchanging

  1. A. She seems very disappointed. What has happened?

  B. She seems very disappointed. What has _____ ______ her?

  2. A. When I was 50 I was the first woman who traveled alone to the North Pole.

  B. _____ 50 I was the first woman ______ ______ alone to the North Pole.

  3. A. I was struggling through the stormy weather on the third day.

  B. I was ____ _____ _____ through the stormy weather on the third day.

  4. A. He is healthy though very old.

  B. He is ____ _____ ____ though very old.

  5. A. We can’t possibly go on with the repair work because of the rainy weather.

  B. The rainy weather _____ _____ ____ for us to go on with the repair work.

  IV. Comparing

  1. be known to / as / for

  (1) His little son is known ____ the police because he has been caught stealing in the supermarket several times.

  (2) He is known ____ a successful TV host of a talk show which talks about great expedition in modern times.

  (3) The town is known ____ its beautiful scenery.


  That bridge is 50 meters long. This is a 200 meter long bridge. We can say:

  (1) This bridge is ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ that one.

  (2) This bridge is ____ ______ ______ ______ ____ that one.

  (3) This bridge is ____ _____ _____ _____ that one.

  3. in order to, in order that, so as to, so that

  (1) What do you think is needed ____ _____ _____ be a successful woman?

  (2) ____ _____ _____ realize his dream, he works very hard.

  (3) They set off early ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ they may arrive in time.

  (4) _____ _____ _____ the plan could be carried out, they hold a meeting for their lives.


  1. inspires/inspired 2.optimistic 3. climate 4. value 5. threatened 6. dull 7. miserable

  II. 1. empty 2. mean; generous 3. smart 4. tense 5. hardworking 6. blind 7. strong 8. miserable 9. celebrating 10. opposite 11. challenge 12. threatened 13. slope 14. shelter 15. optimistic 16. inspiration 17. generous 18. values

  III. 1. become of 2. At; to travel 3. making my way 4. in good health 5. makes it impossible

  IV. 1. (1) to (2) as (3) for 2. (1) 4 times as long as (2) 4 times the length of (3) 3 times longer than

  3. (1) in order to (2) In order to (3) in order that / so that (4) In order that


