首页 > 小学 > 小学六年级上册英语寒假作业练习题


时间:2020-08-27 22:42:22

  ( )1.A、Canada B、Chinese  C、English   D、American

  ( )2.A、doing B、evening C、putting   D、swimming

  ( )3.A、first B、three   C、fifty     D、twenty

  ( )4.A、month B、October C、November  D、December

  ( )5.A、went B、did    C、had      D、send


  ( )1.A.near    B.hear    C.learn    D.dear

  ( )2.A.kangaroo B.book   C.choose  D.bamboo

  ( )3.A.they     B.thank   C.there   D.with

  ( )4.A.what    B.white   C.whose   D.when

  ( )5.A.hour    B.his    C.here    D.her


  ( )1.I’m visiting Daming_____the summer.

  A、in   B、to   C、for

  ( )2.Here are some stamps_____China____you.

  A、from, for B、from ,with C、in ,to

  ( )3.He is sending a letter____Mary.

  A、on   B、to   C、for

  ( )4.How____do you swim? I swim every week.

  A、long   B、often   C、many

  ( )5.Is it big_____small?

  A、and   B、to   C、or

  ( )6.The snake is coming_______the box.

  A、in of   B、on of   C、out of

  ( )7.I often read stories_____my little brother.

  A、for   B、to   C、by

  ( )8.What do they like_____ ?

  A、do   B、did   C、doing

  ( )9.She can speak___,she is from .


  1.I______to a library yesterday.( go ,went)

  2.Can I write to______?( she ,her)

  3.He often______his mum .( helps ,help)

  4.What did you do______the weekend?( at ,in)

  5.It’s fun______learn English( on ,to)


  ( )1.What are you doing?          A、 It’s fifty years old.

  ( )2.How old is your school?        B、 I’ve got a desk.

  ( )3.Did you do sport?           C、Yes, I can.

  ( )4.What have you got in your room?  D、 I’m tidying my room.

  ( )5.What food do you love ?        E、No, I didn’t.

  ( )6.Can you tell me about America festivals? F、 I love noodle.


  1.These stamps are from America. (对划线部分提问)


  2.I have got a book about China.(变否定句并翻译)


  3.child for hours a sleeps night a eight 。(连词成句)


  4.The Great Wall isten thousand li long. (对划线部分提问)


  5.do tidy room you often your ? (连词成句)


  6.it very is festival important a 。 (连词成句)




  ( )1. How do you go to school?

  A. I go to school on foot.

  B. The school is next to the hospital.

  C. I am going to the cinema.

  ( )2. What is your hobby?

  A. I like making kites.

  B. She goes to work by bus.

  C. Next to the hospital.

  ( )3. Turn left at the cinema, then __________. It’s on the left.

  A. our school B. go straight C. green light

  ( )4. at the red light.

  A. Stop   B. Go   C. Wait

  ( )5. Excuse me. Where is the cinema?

  A. I am a cleaner.  

   B. Next to the bookstore.

  C. I am going outside.

  ( )6. Tom’s mother teaches English. What does his mother do?

  A. She is a policewoman.

  B. She is a teacher.

  C. She goes to work by car.

  ( )7. When does she go to school?

  A. She works in Beijing.

  B. She goes to school at 7:30.

  C. Yes, she does.

  ( )8. What are you going to do this afternoon?

  A. Yes, he does.

  B. I am going to play football.

  C. He likes collecting stamps.

  ( )9. Does your pen pal live in Shanghai?

  A. I like diving.

  B. He is tall and strong.

  C. Yes, he does.

  ( )10. Where are you going this afternoon?

  A. Next to the shoe store.

  B. I’m going to the bookstore.

  C. He is going to visit grandparents.


  1.Is there acinema near here?(做肯定回答)


  2.She goes to work by bus.(对划线部分提问)


  3.Her mother is a teacher.(对划线部分提问)


  4.I like collecting stamps.(根据答句写问句)


  5.I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.(划线部分提问)



  ( )1.When are you going?     A. Good idea.

  ( )2. How many traffic lights?    B.you’re welcome.

  ( ) 3.Let’s go to the park.     C. Three.

  ( ) 4. Thhank you.         D. No,it’s near.

  ( )5. Is it far from here?      E. I’m going at 5 o’ciock.


  Hello,I am Amy.I’m going to have a busy weekend!On Saturday,I’m going to the shoe store by bus.i’m going to buy a pair of shoes for my mother.Then I’m going to go home and read some magazines.On Sunday,I’m going to the zoo with my sister.Then,in the evening,I’m going to visit my friend Chen Jie.We are going to play computer games together.What about you?


  ( )1.I’m going to the shoe store with my sister on Saturday.

  ( )2.On Sunday,I.m going to buy a pair of shoes for my mother.

  ( )3.Chen Jie and I are going to play computer games.

  ( )4.My friend Chen Jie is going to have a busy weekend..

  ( )5.I’m going to visit my friend Chen Jie in the evening on Saturday.


