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时间:2020-07-27 22:40:15

除了课堂上的学习外1. What is the man doing?
A. Making a call. B. Reading a newspaper. C. Having lunch.
2. How much time does John spend jumping rope?
A. 45 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. 75 minutes.
3. Where are the speakers probably?
A. In the classroom. B. At the store. C. In the man’s.
4. What does the man mean?
A. He wants some more steak. B. He is really angry. C. He is full.
5. What does the man enjoy doing?
A. Writing books. B. Reading books. C. Going to the movies.
听第6段材料, 回答第6.7题。
6. Where is the woman going?
A. The train station. B. The luggage room. C. The airport.
7. How much are tickets at the ticket booth?
A. Less expensive than those on the train.
B. More expensive than those on the train.
C. The same price as those on the train.
听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。
8. How long has the man been on a diet?
A. For 3 months. B. For 2 months. C. For 4 months.
9. What did the trainer tell the man to do?
A. Exercise every morning. B. Slow his pace of life. C. Change his eating habits.
听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。
10. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. Books about waste treatment. B. Recycling. C. School assignments.
11. Who might be the woman?
A. A researcher. B. A writer. C. A student.
12. What will the speakers do together?
A. Go to some recycling centers to do a survey.
B. Read about waste treatment.
C. Write papers about waste treatment.
听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。
13. Who is Bergman?
A. A writer. B. An actor. C. A filmmaker.
14. What is most surprising to the man?
A. The kinds of films the woman likes.
B. The common interests they share.
C. The classic conflict in horror movies.
15. What kind of music does the man suppose the woman likes?
A. Classical music. B. Country music. C. Heavy metal.
16. What does the man like to watch when he is tired?
A. Comedies. B. Horror movies. C. Action movies.
听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
17. What kind of damage was caused to the houses in the city?
A. The roofs were destroyed.
B. Gas lines were cut.
C. They were completely flooded.
18. On which street did trees become uprooted and smash into cars?
A. Green Street. B. Main Street. C. White Street.
19. What do we know about the bus accident?
A. The bus ran into a tree.
B. No one was injured.
C. The bus was taking students home.
20. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
A. Stormy. B. Clear. C. Cloudy.
第二部分 英语知识应用(共两节,满分45分)
21. It never _____ to me that such a naughty boy should become a minister later.
A. referred B. happened C. occurred D. turned
22. Our English teacher requires us to underline _____ we regard as important points when we read the text.
A. that B. what C. which D. where
23. This treatment is not available in _____ of hospitals.
A. most B. majority C. the most D. the majority
24. A great many books _____ every year, and quantities of them _____ well.
A. have published; sells B. have been published; sell
C. have been published; sells D. has been published; sell
25. The agreement indicates that the two countries will _____ again.
A. team up B. turn up C. look up D. pick up
26. Her parents objected to _____ that farmer, though he was very rich.
A. she married B. her to marry C. marry D. her marrying
27. My calculations were based on the _____ that house prices would remain steady.
A. theory B. assumption C. procedure D. regulation
28. _____ breaks the law should be punished.
A. No matter who B. Whoever C. Whomever D. No matter whom
29. I am quite _____ the plan that we go out and enjoy ourselves on Sunday.
A. in honor of B. in terms of C. in view of D. in favor of
30. ---You effort is sure to pay _____.
---Thank you for you encouragement.
A. off B. for C. back D. down
31. We have to _____finding a solution.
A. set about B. set down C. set out D. set up
32. Yesterday I tried to call you several times but I couldn’t _____ to you.
A. call up B. ring up C. get through D. go through
33. The first textbooks _____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.
A. having written B. to have written C. being written D. written
34. When they’ll set out to investigate the accident _____ known to the public yet.
A. hasn’t been B. haven’t been C. wasn’t D. weren’t
35. The news_____ Lincoln was murdered filled the American people’s hearts with deep sorrow.
A. which B. when C. that D. how,


